Today’s article is a guest post by the extraordinary Carly-Rae Cooke from Ordinarily Honest — cannabis advocate, blogger, and modern yogi.
So here we are — at home isolating, living out this 2020 pandemic life. While I know that we’re all experiencing it a little differently, I thought I’d share a glimpse into one of my days + how I’ve been using cannabis to elevate my days + ease into my nights.
8:30am ish — I scream at Alexa to turn on some tunes.
Roll out of bed, boil water, roll back into bed. Once the water boils, I make my coffee + turn on the news. I’m trying to avoid a lot of the COVID chatter, but I like to keep tabs on what’s going on — a few mins of morning news seems to be working for me, so far. I scroll through IG, put a story post up + scroll through FB — let’s see what’s going on in the social world.
10am — My tummy starts to rumble — it’s smoothie time. I make a berry smoothie w/ vanilla protein powder + mix in some 3:1 indica CBD drops. These drops are ideal for easing into my a few hours of adulting — they bring a sense of relaxation + no head high.
10:10am — Adulting = emails, scheduling + meetings!
I’ve got a few exciting projects in the works, so I send some emails, add some things to my calendar (so many giveaways!) + wrap it all up with a Zoom meeting!
11:11am — I don’t consider myself a super spiritual human, but
I see 11:11 all the time. And, when I do I feel this weird sense of calm. Sometimes I make a wish, sometimes I just close my eyes + sit in the calm for a bit. Whatever it is, I dig it + offer up this moment of calm for you to share whenever you need it.
1pm — I decide to decarb some cannabis,
to have it ready to go for my attempt at making cannabis oil later on in the week. I was surprised how simple it was! I used this recipe from Leafly!
2:30pm — Time to get creative!
I feel a bit of a lull coming on + decide it’s time for another coffee. This time — a sativa cara—melt coffee. Don’t knock it till you try it.
Each candy is 10mg — I cut one in 1/2, cause I’m not looking to get too lifted, just needing a creative kick start.
With the cara—melt mixed in, the coffee has a slight cannabis taste + all the sugary caramel goodness! I dive into making playlists + shooting some yoga content. I like to work on playlists while I do yoga, to see how the songs vibe with the movements.
3pm — I realize I haven’t really eaten yet + throw some leftover rice in the microwave.
I give up on the idea of having a shower today.
4pm — Family Facetimes + check—ins.
My mom screens my call, but Gram answers while pouring herself a happy hour glass of wine. We chat, my gramps pops on, and Gram shows me her garden. Then I dive back into creating.
5:30pm — I decide that I’ve done enough creating for the day,
so I begin putting my apartment back together. I leave my bed in the living room for some chill TV time later on (I don’t have a couch + yoga mats aren’t that comfy).
6:45pm — I spend some time cruising Pinterest,
brainstorming for blog posts + jotting down any ideas that come to mind. Tunes on.
8pm — Bath time!
If I could, I would spend all my time in the bath — it’s like a big, warm, wet, hug (OK, not the best visual — but, if you aren’t a bath person, I urge you to give it a try). I crank the hot water + add in some CBD bath salts. While the water is running, I roll a joint for later + enjoy a 10mg THC fuzzy peach. With the candles lit, music on, and my tried + true “guacamole + rice cracker dinner in the tub” — I am ready to chill. I start to feel the fuzzy peach buzz after about 40mins or so.
9pm — I climb into bed + pop on an episode of Shameless.
9:45pm — Feeling way ready for some sleep.
I grab the lavender indica joint I rolled earlier. This strain was a suggestion, for sleeping, from the team at My Supply. I absolutely love the taste of the lavender cannabis + it brings the perfect balance of body/head high, easing away any muscle cramps or tension. I take a few pulls + wander to my mat for some random, slow, stretching + moving.
10:05pm — Bed time.
I fill up my water jug, finish up my lavender joint + tuck myself in. Right before my head hits the pillow, I take a few drops of the indica 3:1 oil that I used earlier in the day — I find the drops really help to keep me zzzz—ing all through the night.
And that’s a wrap! I’ve been using cannabis for just under 2 years now — initially, I was scared of the “high” but slowly, with education + support, I’ve been able to work it into my day to day + am thriving on a high note. If you’re curious about the cannabis products that I use or how I’ve integrated time into my life — leave a comment or send me a note!
This featured post has been written and shared by courtesy of Carly-Rae Cooke, founder of Ordinarily Honest and a 200hr registered yoga teacher based in Vancouver, BC. She founded Ordinarily Honest to offer a refreshing and down-to-earth approach to yoga; steering away from spirituality and keeping the focus on movement and breath. All classes are cannabis-friendly and offer the perfect space (virtually, for now) to relax and decompress. They also feature carefully crafted playlists to enhance the experience. Check out her Daily Dose online classes, live stream class schedule (classes regularly include cannabis brand pop-ups and samples) and learn more about the inspiration behind Ordinarily Honest.