Find a psychedelic therapy clinic near you.
Welcome to our psychedelic therapy directory for Canada. This is your one-stop source for finding a Canadian therapist who can guide you through the life-changing experience of transformation with psychedelic medicines.
On this page, you will find a comprehensive list of psychedelic-assisted therapist services in Canada, as well as answers to some common questions about psychedelic therapy. Learn what psychedelic therapy is, how it works, what to expect, what the benefits and risks are, and where and how you can access it.
On this page:
1. WTF is PAT?
3. What can I expect during a PAT session?
4. How can I access PAT in Canada?
5. Top Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Canada
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Moncton, NB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Fredericton, NB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in St. Andrew's, NB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Vancouver, BC
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Victoria, BC
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Kelowna, BC
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Calgary, AB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Edmonton, AB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Medicine Hat, AB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Saskatoon, SK
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Winnipeg, MB
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Toronto, ON
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Mississauga, ON
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Ottawa, ON
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Hamilton, ON
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in London, ON
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Montreal, QC
- Psychedelic-assisted therapy in Halifax, NS
Whether you are curious, interested, or ready to start your psychedelic journey, we hope this page will help you find the best option for you.

WTF is PAT (and how does it work)?
Psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) is exactly what it sounds like—therapy combining the power of psychedelic medicines with a therapist who is trained to guide you through your psychedelic experience.
This cutting-edge form of psychotherapy can be coupled with a range of psychedelic medicines—namely psilocybin (magic mushrooms), MDMA (ecstasy), ketamine, or LSD—to help you access altered states of consciousness, where you can explore your inner world, heal your emotional wounds, and discover new insights and perspectives.
However, for the purposes of this resource page, we're primarily focusing on psilocybin mushrooms, with honorable mentions of other psychedelics.
By incorporating psychedelics, psychedelic-assisted therapy amplifies the benefits of more "conventional" therapies to help you more quickly catalyze change and break free from depression and anxiety, overcome internalized limiting beliefs, break free of dysfunctional thought patterns, and shine in your career (to name a few).
That's because psilocybin, among other psychedelics, interacts with key brain regions and chemicals that play central roles in neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to re-organize and adapt), mood, memory, and more.
But psychedelic therapy is not for everyone. It requires careful preparation, intention, and follow-up.
Neither is it a new form of therapy.
Indigenous cultures and ancestral traditions have used psychedelic medicines for thousands of years to heal, connect, and transform. Sure, it's experiencing a modern resurgence in Western medicinal practices, but to call it a renaissance simply ignores what they already knew.
Context aside, let's get into who it's for, and how you can access it.
Is psychedelic therapy for me?
In a nutshell, PAT might be right for you if you feel consistently limited by your thoughts (mind) and emotions (body). Some psychologists and practitioners call these types of thoughts self-limiting beliefs. All of us have them, but how far we're able to move past them determines our uniquely personal versions of success.
Psychedelic therapy may help you get to the core of what's important. And part of discovering what's really important is learning what isn't. Many of us spend too much of our lives being blindly led by our egos.
Why does that matter?
Because the ego has a hunger for materialistic success that can seldom be satisfied.
When you wrap those two concepts up, the twin impact is transformational:
Psychedelic therapy can help you get closer to who you are—not who your ego wants you to be—and drop limiting beliefs.
Sounds better, doesn't it?
Psychedelic integration therapy may also be right for you if:
- You have treatment-resistant PTS/PTSD
- You struggle with substance addiction
- You have treatment-resistant mental health conditions (depression, anxiety, etc)
- You experience what feels like ‘stuck thoughts’ and want to rewire your brain
- You need an extra boost of creativity for work or school
What can I expect during a psychedelic therapy session?
An in-person psychedelic therapy typically goes something like this:
- You meet with a pair of therapists, most commonly a male and a female.
- You and your therapists undergo several conventional therapy sessions in preparation. These preparatory sessions are used to build rapport and increase trust.
- During your final preparatory session, prior to the psychedelic session, you'll go over patient expectations.
- The therapists support you throughout the entire psychedelic experience, which may last for up to 10 hours. Some actively guide you, while others merely observe without judgment and only step in to help calm and relax you if you appear to be in distress.
- During the session, you may be provided with aids like eyeshades, curated music playlists, and are encouraged to "let go" and see where the plant medicine takes you.
- After the psychedelic session is over, you'll go through several shorter integration sessions help you incorporate insights and epiphanies into your conceptualization of who you are.
- In some cases, you may repeat the above psychedelic session as many times as necessary.
How can I access psychedelic therapy in Canada?
Psychedelic therapy is still a novel and experimental form of treatment in Canada. On paper, getting it is a bit of a process, and you can access psychedelic therapy with trained therapists for therapeutic purposes if you qualify. Thankfully, many of the clinics on this list will actually assist you with the applications.
But in practice, because of the grassroots, communal nature of plant medicines, there are many loopholes and work-arounds. There is a blossoming underground psychedelic therapy movement. What's more, many therapists and clinics that identify as psychedelic-friendly, including the ones in this directory, are likely to provide referrals to reputable companies like My Supply Co., and may even guide you through your psychedelic journey, either in-person or virtually. However, there's a slim-to-none chance that they will actually acquire the psilocybin on your behalf. Please contact us if you need help finding a psychedelic therapist who can guide you through your psychedelic journey.
Below are the mainstream Health Canada-approved options for accessing psychedelic therapy in Canada, as well as the requirements, limitations, and challenges involved.
P.S. While the programs below are the official, government-regulated way of obtaining psychedelics, it isn't necessary to go through them to work with a psychedelic therapist. Most psychedelic therapists in this directory will assist you with the preparation (pre-journey) and integration (post-journey) parts of your psychedelic healing if you're able to get your hands on the psychedelic medicines yourself.
Special Access Program (SAP)
The Special Access Program (SAP) is a program run by Health Canada that allows health practitioners to request access to drugs that are not approved for sale in Canada for patients with serious or life-threatening conditions. In January 2023, Health Canada expanded the SAP to include psychedelic medicines, such as psilocybin and MDMA, for patients with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health issues.
To access psychedelic therapy through the SAP, you need to meet the following criteria:
- You have a serious or life-threatening condition that has not responded to conventional treatments.
- You have a health practitioner who is willing and able to prescribe and administer the psychedelic medicine.
- You have obtained informed consent from your health practitioner and signed a consent form.
- You have a safe and supportive setting where you can receive the psychedelic therapy.
Unfortunately, the SAP is not a guarantee of access.
Health Canada reviews each request on a case-by-case basis and may approve or deny it based on various factors, such as the availability of the drug, the evidence of its safety and efficacy, the potential risks and benefits, and the ethical and legal implications. The approval process may take several weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the request.
The SAP is also not a source of supply.
Health Canada does not provide or distribute the psychedelic medicines. The health practitioner who makes the request is responsible for obtaining the medicine from a licensed producer or importer, or from a clinical trial site.
The cost of the drug and the therapy may not be covered by public or private health insurance plans.
If you need financial assistance, the My Supply Co. PAT Fund can help you access these medicines at affordable rates, so you don't have to break the bank to get quality, effective medicines.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research studies that test new drugs or interventions for safety and effectiveness in humans. Clinical trials are one of the main ways to access psychedelic therapy in Canada, as they are exempt from the prohibition of psychedelic medicines under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
To participate in a clinical trial, you need to meet the following criteria:
- You have a specific condition that matches the eligibility criteria of the trial.
- You have a referral from your physician or psychiatrist.
- You have completed a screening process that may include medical tests, psychological assessments, and interviews.
- You have signed an informed consent form that explains the purpose, procedures, risks, benefits, and alternatives of the trial.
Clinical trials are usually conducted in phases, from Phase I to Phase IV, with different objectives and outcomes.
Phase I trials test the safety and dosage of a new drug in a small group of healthy volunteers. Phase II trials test the efficacy and side effects of a new drug in a larger group of patients with a specific condition. Phase III trials compare the new drug with existing treatments or placebo in a randomized and controlled way in a large group of patients with a specific condition. Phase IV trials monitor the long-term effects and safety of a new drug after it has been approved for sale.
The trouble is that clinical trials are not without limitations and challenges.
They may be hard to find or access, as they are often located in specific sites or regions. They may also have strict eligibility criteria that exclude many potential participants. They may involve randomization and blinding, which means that you may not know if you are receiving the actual drug or a placebo. They may also require frequent visits and follow-ups, which may be inconvenient or costly.
Section 56 Exemptions
Section 56 exemptions are written authorizations from the Minister of Health that allow individuals or groups to possess, produce, distribute, import, export, or use controlled medicines for medical, scientific, or public interest purposes. Section 56 exemptions are granted on an exceptional basis and are subject to various terms and conditions.
To obtain a Section 56 exemption for personal use of psychedelics for medical purposes, you need to meet the following criteria:
- You have a terminal illness with less than six months to live.
- You have severe psychological distress that has not responded to conventional treatments.
- You have a physician or psychiatrist who supports your request and agrees to monitor your use of the psychedelic medicine.
- You have completed an application form that includes your personal information, medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment plan, consent form, and supporting documents.
Section 56 exemptions are very rare and difficult to obtain.
As of July 2023, only 35 Canadians have received Section 56 exemptions for psilocybin therapy for end-of-life distress. The application process is lengthy and complex, requiring multiple steps and approvals. The wait time for a response may range from several weeks to several months, depending on the volume and nature of the requests.
Section 56 exemptions are also not a source of supply.
The applicants are responsible for finding and obtaining the psychedelic from a legal source, such as a licensed producer or importer, or a clinical trial site. The cost of the medicine and the therapy may not be covered by public or private health insurance plans.
If you need financial assistance, the My Supply Co. PAT Fund can help you access these medicines at affordable rates, so you don't have to break the bank to get quality, effective medicines.
Top psychedelic therapy clinics in Canada.
PAT is becoming increasingly popular in Canada, with clinics located in most major cities and provinces. If you've found that pinpointing them is tricky, that's because the waters are still murky. Fortunately, the therapists in these clinics are passionate about helping their communities access psychedelic therapy, so if you're worried about whether you qualify or not, just reach out to them and start the conversation—they'll help you navigate the lay of the land and get you started in no time.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Moncton, NB
Breelove Wellness
One of the few clinics on this list offering psilocybin-assisted therapy, Breelove Counselling was founded by Kayla Breelove, a clinical traumatologist and member of MAPS Canada's board of directors.
Breelove Counselling's team offers one of the most comprehensive and integrated approaches to healing in Canada. Every member of the team uses a trauma-informed approach at their foundation, but that's not all. In addition to psilocybin therapy, what sets them apart is the way they integrate specialized treatment approaches, including nutritional psychology, art therapy, EMDR, and brainspotting.
According to their website, "It is our view that psychedelic, 'dissociative' and altered experiences may well be instrumental in providing a catalyst for deep change, healing and recovery. It is also our view that relief from adversities and sufferance provided by ketamine and psylocibin, in assistance of specialized therapy and the exploration and experience of other possible states of consciousness are singularly impactful."
Breelove Counselling offer both in-person sessions and virtual sessions.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Fredericton, NB
Field Trip Health
Field Trip offers ketamine-assisted therapy services in its clinics across Canada, including Fredericton, helping you free yourself of negative thought patterns and building new healthier habits.
The Newly Institute
With offices in both New Brunswick and Alberta, The Newly focuses on treating root causes of mental health and addiction with ketamine using the Rapid Resolution protocol. This treatment method is backed by data to support PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more, which often come hand-in-hand with addiction and chronic pain.
"Our revolutionary treatment model uses our proprietary medical protocols and purpose built clinics to provide medically enhanced psychotherapy as part of an intensive outpatient program focusing on evidence based trauma therapy."
True North Psychological Services
True North provides ketamine-assisted therapy that aims to heal the whole—mind, body, and spirit.
Their program is designed for those with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and trauma that is resistant to treatment and favor one-on-one treatment experiences in a fully supported environment.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in St. Andrew's, NB
Meditate By The Sea
Founded by Liz Neve, a psychotherapist with over 30 years under her belt, Meditate By The Sea provides psychedelic integration services for those in the St. Andrew's area.
Liz understands the importance of integrating the insights and information processed during a psychedelic journey, asserting that "it’s difficult to hold firm to insights and choices while living in a reality that makes it far easier to go back to sleep, a reality that does not reflect back the greater cosmic awareness that you may have experienced, and which supports the status quo, individually and collectively."
"If you feel like you could benefit from this type of therapy, please know that I am experienced and trained, and feel it to be an honour to help people integrate and strengthen their insights, choices and healing after a journey."
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Vancouver, BC
If you are looking for a psychedelic therapy clinic in Vancouver, BC, you may have a hard time finding one that openly advertises its services. However, there are some clinics that offer psychedelic-assisted or psychedelic-informed therapy or provide integration support for those who have used other psychedelics elsewhere. That means that, as long as you can source the product yourself, they'll help you prepare, navigate, and integrate the psychedelic journey. There's an option for everyone.
Here are some of the psychedelic therapy clinics in Vancouver, BC, that you may want to check out:
Conscious Mind Clinic
Conscious Mind Clinic is a private clinic that specializes in psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy, medication consultations, and clinical counselling. Their goal is to help clients achieve optimal mental health and well-being by exploring the depths of their consciousness and enhancing their brain function.
Conscious Mind Clinic also offers one-on-one microdosing consultations, so you can have all your questions answered and figure out the best approach and product to get started with.
Thrive Downtown Counselling Center
Thrive Downtown welcomes everyone to its psychedelic integration therapy sessions—as long as you're willing to view healing as a process that takes time and patience and do not see psychedelic therapy as a "quick fix" that bypasses therapy. Their mission is to help clients thrive in their emotional well-being, relationships, and personal growth.
Their psychedelic integration therapy is designed to help clients explore whether psychedelics may be safe and helpful for them and to assist them in planning and following up on their psychedelic experiences.
They do not provide or prescribe any psychedelic substances, but they can refer you to other sources (such as My Supply Co.) or options if needed.
Gaia Counselling and Psychotherapy
Gaia Counselling provides a variety of services for individuals, youth, and families with a uniquely holistic approach. Their vision is to help clients heal from trauma, anxiety, depression, and other issues by integrating body, mind, and spirit.
Their psychedelic-informed therapy is based on the principles of harm reduction, informed consent, and client-centered care. They do not administer any psychedelic substances, but they can help clients prepare for and integrate their psychedelic experiences.
They also offer cannabis-assisted psychotherapy and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for clients who qualify and consent to these modalities. They work with clients who have used or are interested in using various psychedelics, such as psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine, LSD, ayahuasca, etc.
Empower Health
Empower Health offers customized programs and services combining naturopathic medicine, physical therapies, counselling, and mind-body medicine. Their vision is to empower clients to achieve optimal health and well-being by providing personalized and evidence-based care.
Their psychedelic therapy service is one of their specialties. While they primarily use ketamine (a legal dissociative anesthetic) to help clients heal from trauma, depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns, they also provide psychedelic integration support for clients who wish to use other psychedelics, such as psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, ayahuasca, etc.
They work with clients who have mental health issues, chronic pain, addiction, or existential distress.
Emergence Counselling & Wellness Inc.
Based out of Vancouver, BC, Emergence Counselling & Wellness's very own Valentina Chichiniova offers psychedelic-assisted therapy in the form of psychedelic integration, as well as pre- and post-ritual counselling.
Valentina is a fierce advocate for safe and responsible use, and recognizes that psychedelics aren't for everyone.
Valentina asserts that "I have great respect and appreciation towards psychedelic medicines. However, I feel uneasy about the ways their therapeutic power is presented in popular media. They are presented as substances that work “miracles” in just one experience. Research and practice do not support this media presentation."
She specializes in psilocybin and MDMA therapy and works in teams with doctors and nurses. She is available to support individuals looking to apply for the Special Access Program (SAP) in Canada.
All of her sessions are conducted virtually.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Victoria, BC
As progressive as Victoria is, this humble island city is a little behind on psychedelic counselling options compared to other Canadian cities. You'll still be able to find support, but they're a bit more on the alternative side of things—which might just be perfect for you.
Strength in Heart
Strength In Heart is a counselling service on a mission to help you re-calibrate unhelpful thought patterns & defaults to transform your life from a state of surviving to thriving.
Their psychedelic integration therapy was established in 2018 and is designed to help clients explore whether psychedelics may be safe and helpful, as well as to assist them in planning and following up on their psychedelic experiences.
Like many clinics as of this writing, they specialize in psychedelic integration and do not provide or prescribe any psychedelic substances, but they can refer clients to other sources or options if needed.
Monarch Trancework
Monarch Trancework is a trancework service that offers psychedelic preparation and integration counselling. They also offer hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, ancestral healing, and animist journeywork.
Their mission is to empower clients to achieve optimal mental health and well-being by exploring the depths of their consciousness and creating powerful transformation. Their psychedelic integration therapy is designed to help clients explore whether psychedelics may be safe and helpful for them, and to assist them in planning and following up on their psychedelic experiences.
They do not provide or prescribe any psychedelic medicines, but they can refer clients to other sources or options if needed.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Kelowna, BC
Known for its scenic lakes, vineyards, and ski resorts, Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley is also home to some psychedelic therapy clinics that offer various services and modalities for people who are interested in or have experienced the healing potential of psychedelics. Here are some of the psychedelic therapy clinics in Kelowna, BC, that you may want to check out:
EntheoMed's Ketamine Suite is a division of EntheoTech Bioscience Inc., a company that aims to advance the research and education of psychedelic medicine and therapy in Canada. Their goal is to promote mental health and wellness using psilocybin, ketamine, and other entheogens with an integrative approach.
They are best known for their ketamine suite, a private accredited clinic that offers psychedelic-assisted therapy with medical oversight for treatment-resistant depression and other mental health indications.
Their Odyssey program is a holistic and personalized approach to ketamine therapy that involves psychedelic doses of intramuscular ketamine paired with psychotherapy, preparation, and integration to foster greater personal insight and lasting psychological change. The ketamine therapy is "combined with additional healing modalities such as breathwork, somatic techniques, and mindfulness practices."
They work with clients who have depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, chronic pain, or existential distress.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Calgary, AB
Home to several PAT clinics, the biggest city in Alberta does not disappoint. Here are a few that you may want to consider:
Bloom Psychedelic Therapy & Research Institute
Bloom Psychedelic Therapy & Research Institute is a not-for-profit organization that aims to provide evidence-based legal psychedelic-assisted therapy to "help free you from anxiety, depression, or addiction."
Their mission?
"To help humanity thrive by bringing the communities of science and psychedelics together to provide safe, effective, accessible psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT)."
Bloom uses a combination of intravenous ketamine and psychotherapy to help clients overcome depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, or other conditions. Bloom also conducts research and education on psychedelic medicine and therapy in Canada.
SABI Mind is a not-for-profit organization that provides psychedelic-assisted therapy with ketamine for mental health and chronic pain issues. SABI Mind’s mission is to merge the worlds of psychedelics and science to ensure clients receive the best evidence-based treatment available.
SABI Mind uses a combination of intramuscular ketamine and psychotherapy to help clients overcome depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, or other conditions. SABI Mindalso conducts research and education on psychedelic medicine and therapy in Canada.
Healing and Wholeness
Healing and Wholeness is a counselling service that offers psychedelic integration therapy, blending modern psychology with ancient wisdom. Their mission is to help clients heal from trauma, anxiety, depression, and other issues by integrating body, mind, and spirit.
Their psychedelic integration therapy is designed to help clients explore whether psychedelics may be safe and helpful for them, and to assist them in planning and following up on their psychedelic experiences.
They do not provide or prescribe any psychedelic substances, but they can refer clients to other sources or options if needed.
Wayfound – Mental Health Group is a mental health clinic that offers a range of services for individuals and organizations with a focus on trauma recovery and resilience.
In 2023, they joined forces with SABI Mind to offer psychedelic therapy.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Edmonton, AB
Envision Mind Care
Envision Mind Care is an integrative health wellness center and one of Western Canada's largest mental health care clinics. They are at the forefront of the clinical psychedelic movement, offering ketamine and psilocybin therapy for transformative healing experiences.
Their unique approach ensures that their treatments work together to create lasting, effective change in the shortest amount of time. By offering brain stimulation treatment like TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), evidence-based psychological therapy along with medication reviews in one facility, Envision provides an ideal environment for therapy and personal growth. They "help in rewiring your brain and mind (thoughts and feelings) which [they] call as working on your hardware (Brain) and software (Mind)."
Zylorion (Previously Psilotec)
Zylorion may just be the first of its kind, offering a full-service suite of psychedelic-assisted therapy services.
In addition to their unique combination of highly effective psychedelic products and novel psychotherapies, Zylorion employs an impressive array of sophisticated technologies. For example, Zylorion programs measure multiple biometrics in real-time, allowing highly sophisticated measurements of your stress level throughout the therapy process to allow for improvements in set and setting. They also utilize virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to enhance the set and setting, creating highly relevant environments for specific issues.
Zylorion is by far the most technologically advanced and completely integrated psychedelic medicines company in all of North America. They are responsible for 300+ psilocybin-related clinical studies. If you’re looking to experience psychedelic therapy under the care of experienced professionals, this Edmonton option has everything you want, plus things you didn't know you needed.
The Newly Institute
With offices in both Edmonton and Calgary, The Newly focuses on treating root causes of mental health and addiction with ketamine using the Rapid Resolution protocol. This treatment method is backed by data to support PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more, which often come hand-in-hand with addiction and chronic pain.
They champion in "rapid access, rapid resolution of symptoms, and rapid return to work and life."
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Medicine Hat, AB
Psynergy Centre
Located in beautiful Medicine Hat, Psynergy is an innovative integrative mental wellness centre that brings together conventional medicine and complementary holistic practices.
Jenelle McArthur, from Ocean Man First Nation, is their resident psychedelic-assisted integration psychotherapist. She primarily focuses on the medicinal and therapeutic benefits of psilocybin mushrooms, but is also exploring cannabis-assisted therapy and trauma treatment with the support of MDMA.
Specializing in integration support of non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSCs), Jenelle utilizes Internal Family System (IFS) and Somatic Experiencing for trauma treatment, as well as 3-in-1 Concepts (integration of the mind, body, and spirit).
Jenelle also offers something we haven't seen in any other clinics—integration support for processing drug-induced psychosis.
As usual, they won't prescribe the psilocybin, but they will work with you on preparation and integration if you can source it yourself. You can source organic, Canadian-grown raw mushrooms in a variety strains here, but we recommend more standardized doses through our microdose and macrodose formulas to ensure consistent results.
Medicine Hat Counselling
A one-woman-show, Medicine Hat Counselling is run by Ana Schlosser.
Her approach is to use Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration while working with people who have a relationship with psychedelics. She combines this framework with other evidence-based models such as CBT, DBT, Somatic Experiencing, EMDR, mindfulness-based approaches, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and other holistic healing methods, including sacred indigenous knowledge, allowing for collaboration and engagement with one's inner healing wisdom.
Her trainings include Using Psychedelics for treating Addictions from the Centre for Optimal Living, Psychotherapeutic touch, Emotion Focused-Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, ATMA Psychedelic Assisted Therapy as endorsed by the Psychologists Association of Alberta, and Postgraduate Certificates in Psychedelic Integration Therapy and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy to name a few.
In April 2021, Ana was selected by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), the world leader in psychedelic research, as a recipient of a full scholarship to be trained as an MDMA Therapist for the treatment of PTSD, making her the other half of the only MAPS trained treatment team in Alberta, and one of less than 10 across Canada.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Saskatoon, SK
Did you know that the term "psychedelic" was coined in Saskatchewan?
According to the Canadian Encyclopedia:
“In the 1950s, Saskatchewan was home to some of the most important psychedelic research in the world. Saskatchewan-based psychiatrist Humphry Osmond coined the word psychedelic in 1957. In the mental health field, therapies based on guided LSD and mescaline trips offered an alternative to long-stay care in asylums.”
The Linden Medical Centre
The Linden is the first private clinic in Saskatchewan to offer IV ketamine treatments for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). They also offer intranasal ketamine treatments, and most recently, Spravato (Esketamine).
Their mission is to provide safe, effective, and compassionate care for patients who suffer from severe and chronic depression that has not responded to conventional treatments.
Their ketamine-assisted therapy service uses a combination of intravenous or intranasal ketamine and psychotherapy to help patients achieve rapid and lasting relief from their depressive symptoms.
New Earth Therapy
New Earth Therapy offers both ketamine-assisted therapy (KAP) and psychedelic integration therapy. Their mission is to help clients heal from trauma, anxiety, depression, and other issues by integrating body, mind, and spirit.
Their psychedelic integration therapy is designed to help clients explore whether psychedelics may be safe and helpful for them, and to assist them in planning and following up on their psychedelic experiences.
Like most PAT clinics in Canada, they do not provide or prescribe any psychedelic substances—but if you bring your own, they're game. We recommend one of our evidence-based psilocybin macrodose formulas for consistent sessions and rapid results.
They have experience working with various psychedelics, such as psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine, LSD, ayahuasca, etc.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Winnipeg, MB
Strength in Heart
If you're living in Winnipeg, you may want to check out Strength in Heart's Psychedelic Integration Counselling services. Since 2018, Strength in Heart's team of counsellers has been helping people recalibrate unhelpful thought patterns through personalized education, preparation, support, and healing.
What makes them different is that they publicly announce that "each of our integration counsellors is personally and professionally experienced in non-ordinary state healing," so you know they have a deeper understanding of psychedelic states and can support you in navigating your own.
Therapeutic Alliance
Kate Bloy is the resident psychedelic integration therapist at the Therapeutic Alliance in Winnipeg. She offers personal empowerment through intentional work with plants, fungi, and other psychedelic compounds, as well as integration therapy following psychedelic experiences.
Kate states that "if you have tried pharmaceutical and/or clinical approaches yet have not been able to achieve the happiness you need, or if you would prefer to skip that process altogether and begin learning how to empower yourself to achieve deep and lasting change, please reach out today."
Therapeutic Alliance champions the idea that therapy is a process that requires active participation and investment. But through a collaborative effort between person and therapist, small changes in self-defeating behavior can bring life-altering results.
Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing (CCFPH)
With chapters in Manitoba, Ontario, and British Columbia, the CCFPH offers Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAP) for a variety of mental health challenges. These include treatment-resistant depression, PTSD, OCD, some anxiety and eating disorders and for those suffering from chronic pain, chronic nerve pain, chronic regional pain syndrome, and fibromyalgia.
Their Discovery Packages offer a minimum of six KAP sessions, spaced out at two sessions weekly for three weeks.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Toronto, ON
The most multicultural city in Canada, Toronto's vibrant and diverse environment has nurtured a number of alternative and innovative approaches to healing.
With offices in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia, Numinus offers psychedelic therapy services for both individuals and groups. However, they primarily focus on ketamine, with plans to introduce Psilocybin in the near future.
Field Trip Health
One of the leading psychedelic therapy clinics in Toronto with chapters all over Canada, Field Trip offers ketamine-assisted therapy for treatment-resistant depression and other mental health issues.
Described as spa-like, their clinic is designed to provide a comfortable and relaxing environment for their clients, with cozy treatment rooms, noise-cancelling headphones, eye masks, and weighted blankets. Talk about dreamy.
Their program consists of five phases: consultation, preparation, treatment, integration, and beyond. In the consultation phase, clients meet with their therapist to establish their goals and expectations for the therapy. In the preparation phase, you'll go through exercises to set intentions for the results you wish to achieve. In the treatment phase, you'll receive a dose of ketamine over several sessions and enter a state of altered consciousness that can help you reframe negative thought patterns. In the integration phase, you'll create a behavior-change plan that will help you adopt healthier habits for a lasting change in your mood and well-being. Lastly, the beyond phase provides you with tools, strategies, and online access to the Field Trip team so you can stay on track and continue your journey to healing at home.
Field Trip Health also offers online resources, such as a blog, a podcast, and an app, to educate and support people who are interested in psychedelic therapy.
Founded by psychologist Anne Wagner, Remedy is a holistic clinic providing psychedelic therapy with MDMA for people with PTSD or other trauma-related issues, including individuals, couples, and other relationship constellations. Wagner launched Remedy in 2018 after an exciting pilot study in Charleston, South Carolina, where she and her fellow researchers used MDMA to treat PTSD.
Though their treatment cycle primarily utilizes MDMA to supercharge your healing, they also support clients in applying for access to psilocybin through Health Canada's Special Access Program (SAP). It's like turbocharging your psychotherapy journey.
Obai Wellness
With offices in Canada, the U.S.A., and Australia, Obai Wellness are global leaders in psychedelic therapy. Visiting their website only hints at the services they provide, but a deeper inspection of their FAQs shows that their therapists are educated in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, in addition to their qualifications in Wim Hof Breathwork and Psychotherapy.
Their facilitated psychedelic therapy sessions run the full gamut, from preparation, one-on-one guided journeys, and integration. They also offer tea ceremonies using plant-based medicines.
If you're curious about their individual facilitated journeys, their website describes it as "a full day guided journey where you connect on an extremely deep level. This is suitable for people who may be experiencing mental health issues such as PTSD, CPTSD, depression, anxiety or for those who want to explore their spirituality or growth on a deeper level. This process requires intention setting before hand, and integration sessions after."
CannaWay Clinic
While not exactly a psychedelic therapy centre, CannaWay gets a spot in this directory as an honorable mention. It was founded in 2017 by physicians, counsellors, and experts in medicinal cannabis who, together, provide comprehensive cannabis treatment plans.
Clients who visit CannaWay Clinic are often experiencing symptoms related to:
- Chronic Pain
- Cancer
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Sleep disorders
- Anxiety/Depression
- Fibromyalgia
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Migraine Headaches
- Epilepsy
- Spinal Injuries
- PTSD & more
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Mississauga, ON
Canadian Rapid Treatment Centre of Excellence (CRTCE, also known as Braxia Scientific)
Something special happened in 2018—CRTCE, Canada's first clinic specializing in Ketamine, opened its doors to the public.
CRTCE focuses on aiding those suffering from several treatment-resistant conditions, such as depression and bipolar disorder. They offer 3 different ketamine treatment methods: Intravenous (IV), Intranasal (IN), and Oral.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Ottawa, ON
Canadian Rapid Treatment Centre of Excellence (CRTCE, also known as Braxia Scientific)
In addition to their Ontario locations in Mississauga and Toronto, CRTCE also has a clinic in Ottawa.
While they don't offer psilocybin treatment as of this writing, they are hoping to introduce psilocybin therapy once regulations become friendlier.
Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing (CCFPH)
With clinics all over Canada, the CCFPH offers ketamine-assisted therapy with sessions starting at $715.
Combining traditional talk psychotherapy with ketamine, their treatments have proven effective in treating treatment-resistant depression, PTSD, OCD, Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, addiction, and eating disorders.
Rob Anderson Psychotherapy
A psychotherapist specializing in PTSD, addiction, anxiety, and depression, Robert offers psychedelic integration for those looking to use psychedelics. Unfortunately, however, he isn't able to facilitate the psychedelic trip itself due to the murky laws surrounding them.
If you plan on utilizing psychedelics, you may want to reach out to him. To him, it's important that he understands your intentions. He'll also perform a thorough assessment of your psychological history and discuss contraindications. Once you have had your experience he'll helps you process your journey and make sense of the insights and eipiphanies you may have had.
Hannah Behzadi Therapy
Like most clinics and psychotherapists, Hannah Behzadi's psychedelic services are limited to psychedelic preparation and integration, or the pre- and post- experience.
Hannah offers a flexible psychotherapy sessions through in-person and virtual options. Her aim is to help young adults "struggling with finding calm, confidence, and purpose to explore their inner selves, recover their zest for life, and feel deserving of happiness."
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Hamilton, ON
Empire Psychotherapy
One of the few clinics offering true psilocybin therapy in Canada, Empire Psychotherapy's aim is to help accelerate the healing process of those with distressing emotional symptoms by combining psilocybin with psychotherapy.
Psilocybin therapy starts by building trust and a strong therapeutic relationship prior to the session. This foundation ensures your comfort and support throughout the session. This includes discussing session details, physical boundaries, and potential side effects.
Once in a relaxing environment, you'll receive a carefully measured dose of psilocybin while soothing music plays. A dedicated therapist will be by your side throughout the experience, encouraging open dialogue to explore your insights and promote positive emotional and behavioral changes.
For optimal results, we recommend preparing by meditating, journaling, or practicing basic emotional regulation skills.
ThinkWE Psychotherapy
ThinkWE is another in a handful of Canadian clinics offering psilocybin-assisted therapy. In addition to psilocybin therapy, they also offer integrative approaches to well-being, such as physical, nutritional, psychological, relational, and spiritual.
The Centre for Compassionate Care (C3)
Dr. Joseph De Leo of The Centre for Compassionate Care offers integrative psychotherapy that includes, but is not limited to, psychedelic therapy with specialized training in the use of ketamine, MDMA, and Psilocybin for PTSD, MDD, and other treatment resistant mental health conditions .
In order to qualify for their services, they'll provide you with a medical consultation for prescribed medications to be integrated in to your engagement in psychotherapy.
Mindfulness Therapy
Founded by Margarita Rabinovich, Mindfulness Therapy offers mindfulness-based integration work for people who have experienced a psychedelic journey.
"After having a psychedelic experience, the loss of insights from ecstatic levels of awareness can bring confusion or frustration, and hopefully, it can lead people to seek more understanding from these experiences."
Margarita only focuses on psychedelic integration, and does not offer facilitated psychedelic sessions.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in London, ON
New Hope Counselling Support
With over 15 years of experience, Mya Barak, founder of New Hope Counselling Support, believes that "psychedelics assist us in transferring throughts into intrinsic beliefs." That the "psychedelics create opportunities for us to unlock the root causes of suffering, allowing people to recognize and fundamentally change their patterned feelings, thoughts, and behaviours that keep us stuck."
Referring to herself as "psychedelic friendly," she provides clients with support through preparation before and integration after their journeys.
MindSetting is one of the leading psychedelic therapy clinics in London, Ontario, with satellite campuses in Point Edward and North Bay. They offer ketamine-assisted therapy for treatment-resistant depression and other mental health issues. Their clinic is designed to provide a comfortable and relaxing environment for their clients, with cozy treatment rooms, noise-cancelling headphones, eye masks, and weighted blankets.
MindSetting's treatment protocol follows the TRIP™️ methodology, which stands for "Therapeutic Reset of Internal Processes." The TRIP™️ protocol is a 5-step process: Consultation, Treatment Planning, Ketamine Therapy, Session Analysis, and Integration.
Unlike most psychedelic therapy clinics, MindSetting actively engages patients during their experiences — instead of just sitting in on them.
ReadyToGo Clinic
Led by the renowned Mike Hart, ReadyToGo is one of two clinics in this directory focused on cannabis-assisted therapy. They also offer ketamine-assisted therapy. They believe that, while the treatment and education they provide help you to effectively overcome your medical ailment, the best medicine is giving you the tools needed to restore yourself to your optimal health.
If you live outside of Ontario, ReadyToGo provides medical cannabis prescriptions for Canadians nation-wide.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Montreal, QC
With offices in Montreal, Ontario, and British Columbia, Numinus is offering ketamine-assisted therapy through both individual and group sessions.
Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching
As per his website, Paul Jozsef provides "harm reduction information and integration support to people who have experienced, or are curious about, psychedelics such as psilocybin, ayahuasca, LSD, and MDMA." Integration sessions are offered both in person in Montreal or online.
Do note that he does not recommend, prescribe, or provide the use of psychedelics. Instead, he takes on a supporting role to help journeyers integrate their experiences in a judgement-free environment. He understands the experiences of altered states of consciousness, and will not dismiss anything you choose to share about your own.
"I know that, after the 'light show' has ended, integration is key to understanding and growth. I can help you make sense of the lessons from your experience and integrate them into your day-to-day life."
Canadian Rapid Treatment Centre of Excellence (CRTCE, also known as Braxia Scientific)
CRTCE, Canada's first clinic specializing in Ketamine, has a location in Montreal. They offer IV ketamine treatments for people that do not respond to antidepressants and psychotherapy, Intranasal Esketamine as an add-on treatment for use in conjunction with antidepressants, and oral tketamine for those uncomfortable with the IV option.
CRTCE focuses on aiding those suffering from several treatment-resistant conditions, such as depression and bipolar disorder.
Psychedelic Therapy Clinics in Halifax, NS
Unfortunately, our research revealed that there are very few psychedelic clinics in Halifax, Nova Scotia. As a result, there's a growing underground psychedelic therapy movement involving both individuals and therapists.
“There is a growing trend of underground therapy,” Nova Scotia Psychedelic Society co-founder Justin Andrews tells CBC. “We’re staying as above board as possible with everything, but it is hard. People want this. People are excited about the healing potential which is why I stress that people understand the politics and policy behind these things.”
Luckily, we were able to unearth three that are providing psychedelic-assisted therapy, albeit focused on ketamine, not psilocybin.
Coastal Ketamine Clinic
Located in idyllic Halifax, Coastal Ketamine Clinic provides access to ketamine treatments for treatment-resistant conditions, such as treatment-resistant depression (TRD), anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, OCD, and addiction.
Novaket Ketamine Infusion Clinic
NovaKet offers effective ketamine treatments for conditions like treatment-resistant depression and PTSD. Their structured protocol involves six infusions over three weeks, ideally administered twice a week at our Halifax clinic. Each session lasts about 45 minutes, with 45 minutes of post-treatment monitoring by a physician.
Patients enjoy a comfortable environment during the infusion and require a companion for safe transportation home. After the initial six infusions, patients work with their mental health physician for follow-up "booster" infusions, typically at 1-3 month intervals.
It's important to note that while ketamine provides a promising therapy, it isn't a cure but offers a new treatment option for those who haven't responded to other modalities.
Trusted Psychedelic Therapists.
A shortlist of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapists in Canada to help you navigate your psilocybin journey for root-cause healing, growth, and transformation.
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Fund.
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